Sunday, 20 January 2013

STEPS 9 - How do your snacks stack up?

For some of us, snacking can actually be the undoing of all our good work at meal times.  I've seen it so many times where almost textbook meals are eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and yet between those meals, a heap of counteractive snacking happens!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Naturally sweetened 4 seed banana loaf (dairy and gluten free)

Now this is a loaf that you don't have to feel guilty about eating!  Actually you should eat this!  For breakfast?  Yup!  For morning tea?  Yup!  Afternoon tea?  Yup!  Dessert?  Yup!

When I developed this, I wanted a guilt free, nutrient rich recipe that could be eaten at any time in the day.  Of course guilt free and nutrient rich is no good if it isn't delicious, right?  So with those three requirements in mind, I set to work!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

STEPS 8 - Eat more RAW!

Welcome back to the STEPS program!  And our second task for the year!  How did you go over the Christmas/New Year period?  Hopefully you gave yourself at least some time for reflection on the previous 7 tasks, but more importantly took the time to really enjoy and cherish family and friends!

So what is this task about?  Well it isn't about becoming a 100% 'raw foodist', although I am certainly not knocking anyone following this way of eating.  But I truly believe in the benefits of cooking some foods just as much as leaving some raw, so I feel a mix of these is ideal, and realistic to most of us.